So. Dengue Fever. Who doesn't want to know about dengue fever?
Dengue fever is a disease that is commonly found in tropical and sub-tropical climates and is transferred by mosquito bite. Some symptoms of dengue include muscle pain, a high fever, and a specific rash. The rash is itchy, blotchy, and usually located on the back of the plagued victim. Visual Aid!
Dengue is a relatively rare disease, assuming the society at risk takes proper precautions. However, in India, the health department has "officially accepted [the] rise of dengue cases in the city" (The Times of India). there has been, approximately, a twelve percent increase in dengue cases in India.
Yahoo News reported today that Malaysia will be using genetically engineered male mosquitoes to curb the occurrence of dengue fever. Laboratory tests in Malaysia present high optimism. The plan is this: release genetically engineered male mosquitoes into the wild to mate with female, disease spreading mosquitoes. The genetically engineered males produce offspring that live shorter lives, curbing the population of dengue-carrying insects.
I think it would be most effective if the scientists in Malaysia created a hormone that turned all of the male mosquitoes to homosexuals. Ultimate turn-off for those female mosquitoes.
Just a thought.
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